by bakpc | Dec 12, 2020 | Relationships
Every childhood memory of Christmas that I have involves the last gift opened on Christmas morning. The “last gift” was always for my Mom, Janeen, and it was always from my Dad, Billy. My Dad would always have a special gift for Mom under the tree, either something...
by bakpc | Sep 8, 2020 | Pregnancy, Relationships
“I received a lot more information that I thought I would. I had a lot of confusion and was really stressed before coming, but this visit has made me feel much better about my situation.” What do we do when women tell us they are afraid? What do we say when we hear...
by bakpc | Jul 31, 2020 | Fatherhood, Pregnancy, Relationships, Sex Education, Society & Culture
Three Reasons You Should Consider Marriage Is marriage something you’ve thought about in your current relationship? In our culture where cohabitation has become commonplace, some couples ask themselves why they should bother to get married, or they tell...
by bakpc | Apr 16, 2020 | Relationships, Society & Culture, Spiritual, Volunteering
How Can I Be Content in a Crisis? “The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.”-Martha Washington We’ve all had our share of bad days and good days, but what happens when the bad days seem to...
by bakpc | Apr 9, 2020 | Fatherhood, Pregnancy, Relationships, Unplanned, Volunteering
What She Really Needs to Hear: Amber’s Story A friend told Amber that we would be open. After the receptionist checked her temperature and assessed she didn’t have any symptoms of the coronavirus, she led her to a room. Her parents waited for her in the car. It...
by bakpc | Mar 25, 2020 | Fatherhood, Relationships, Unplanned
I just wanted to take some time to talk to all the dads (and dads-to-be) out there. There’s no doubt that this is a stressful time for all of us, and for some it’s more stressful than others. As men, we want to be the ones to take care of and protect our families. We...