Women’s Volunteer Training
Want to be a mentor to an expectant mother?
Join the Women’s Volunteer Spring Training March 29th, April 12th, & April 26th, 2025. You must be registered to become a volunteer.
Men’s Volunteer Training
Want to be a mentor to an expectant father?
Join the Men’s Volunteer Training on March 15th, 2025. You must be registered to become a volunteer.
Baby Bottle Fundraiser
May & June ’25
Spare pocket change, cash, and checks help us continue our life-changing work!
Home Run for Life
Join a team or form your own team at Home Run for Life, our a slow-pitch softball tournament fundraiser May 3rd.
Blessings Tea
Blessings Tea, our event to honor & bless Pastor’s wives, women in ministry & public servants, is June 27th. .