661-326-1907 [email protected]

Grief Coaching


Post-Abortion Care and Education
Many women who have experienced an abortion find themselves struggling with the symptoms of post-abortion syndrome. They may need help letting go of their shame and making peace with God, themselves, and others.
Embraced  is a 12-week Bible study-based recovery group that provides a confidential small group setting where healing can take place.
Embraced groups are formed twice each year, in the Spring and Fall.  One-on-one peer support and referrals for professional counseling are also available.
A similar program is also available for men.
For more information, call us at 326-1907.

Empty Arms

Empty Arms is a grief recovery program for those who have lost a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death (including SIDS). Our goal is to help our clients find the grace and comfort of the Lord amid their pain, and to ultimately see them come to a place where their broken heart is healed.

We have trained peer advocates ready to take your call, as well as one-on-one appointments with our Empty Arms Advocates.

For more information, please call the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center at 661-326-1907. You can also visit www.miscarriagehurts.com for additional resources.

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