Board of Directors
Board President
Attends: Valley Baptist
Like Micah 6:8, I endeavor to do justly and love kindness as part of my walk with Him. Part of that “doing justly” is helping the most innocent and vulnerable among us, who have no voice. These pre-born babies especially those unplanned may not have been planned by man but were planned by God. These pre-born babies are known by God and loved by God. We can be a light in the darkness and share of God’s plan for that little life as well as God’s plan for the moms and dads through the amazing redemption found through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This truth of life in Christ also helps our clients to make God honoring, life affirming choices and God honoring decisions regarding sexual health.
Attends: Rock Harbor Church
Being on the board at the Bakerfield Pregnancy is both an honor and a privilege. I get to witness the remarkable ways God works, providing not only for the BPC’s mission, but for the women and families it serves. It is inspiring to see the profound impact the staff and volunteers have together—an organization that stands with expectant mothers and families in their moments of need. I also find joy in participating in the decision-making processes that shapes our center’s outreach and support initiatives.
Attends: Ebenezer Reformed
I’m excited to be on the board for the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center because I believe in what ministry stands for. The work they do here is so important for our community. By giving Christ-centered guidance, excellent medical care, emotional and spiritual support, the center helps people and families get through tough times. It’s a place where everyone is welcomed with open arms and can get the help they need.
I’m inspired by the dedication of the director, staff, volunteers and board members who work so hard to protect the unborn. Their passion and commitment to saving lives makes me humbled to be part of this group. I’m honored to do my small part to make a positive difference in our community to the glory of God.
Attends: The Garden
I believe in the mission and the values of BPC and I’m honored to be part of the board. I believe that women should have every resource made available to support her as she makes decisions about and goes through her pregnancy. I also love that BPC supports both the mother and father in their journey to parenthood.
Pastor: Crosspointe Baptist Church
I am excited to serve on the BPC Board because it gives me the opportunity to help lead and invest in an organization that is Biblically-based, ministry-focused that promotes life, and the love and grace of Jesus! It is truly amazing to be a part of a team and mission that is bigger than yourself that is building the Kingdom one client, one person, one life at a time.
Attends: Rock Harbor Church
I believe strongly that giving back is a fundamental responsibility we all have to ensure that the community we know and love continues to be a place we can all call home. I am committed to the work, and the energy, required to give back to the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center (BPC), its staff, clients, and those organizations the BPC is affiliated with.