In 2020, the Bakersfield Pregnancy Center has served over 2500 client appointments, serving 1400 individual unique clients with services which included medical verification of pregnancy, first trimester Ultrasounds, STI testing and education, parenting classes, material assistance and more. However, the services we offer to our clients are not limited to our downtown location or our ICU Mobile Unit. A very important part of any appointment is to access what other services, outside our building, could assist our clients. Our clients may come seeking only a pregnancy test, however in our conversation we may hear that the client needs rent assistance, is having difficulty purchasing food, needs a doctor, or now that we have confirmed a pregnancy, needs help with the whole process of becoming a mother.
The Bakersfield Pregnancy Center works hard to establish a complete referral program for our clients, so that we can direct them to the local agencies that can address their need. In 2020, the BPC made 65 direct referrals/enrollment in the Kern County Public Health Nurse Family Partnership program. We made 2 direct referrals/enrollment in the Perinatal Outreach Program, and 6 direct referrals/enrollment in the Black Infant Health Program. These important and proven programs offer individual support for the pregnancy and through the child’s first birthday.
We made referrals to our local food bank and First Presbyterian Church for food assistance; Kern Medical, Omni, Sagebrush for medical care; Junk-Atique Outlet vouchers were given to 46 clients for clothing assistance; and the Bakersfield Homeless Center, the Mission at Kern and Flood Ministries has helped clients with housing issues.
Relationships with these important agencies are fostered through the Kern County Network for Children Collaborative meetings, which we attend every month. We participate in several Collaborative meetings through out Kern County. We hope to offer our services to the community leaders as well as become familiar with the services that are offered throughout Kern County that could benefit our clients. We pass this information on to our Staff and Advocates, to keep them informed and equipped to address the needs our clients. We seeking to serve our clients with compassion, tangible help and hope. It is not just a goal, it is something we endeavor to do in every appointment, with every client, every day.